Looking for QA, not QQ

oishii | Monday, July 11, 2016


This past year has been quite a hectic one with such a huge amount of updates, maps and mechanics being added to the game! Our artists have been glued to their screens sketching up new designs, animators have been tweaking models, coders have been working tirelessly to string it altogether while our testers stay behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly for you guys.

For some however, this year has also been hectic outside the game as well and we’ve unfortunately had to say goodbye to some of our testing team, including my co-lead tester Gjappy who is currently on a break to focus on other things. Being so close to Beta now, we need all the support we can get and so we are looking for volunteer testers to fill the gaps!
How do you become a tester? Well, take a look below:

Totally normal and intended.

"Ship it!"

What are the basic requirements for being a tester?

You must be 18 or over to apply for this position, there are no exceptions
You must be able to understand and speak English fluently
You must have had a clean account history for the past 3 years in all of our games
You must have access to a device that can support AQ3D, such as an Android, iPhone, Windows, Mac or Linux. Other devices such as Occulus Rift and Google Cardboard are welcome extras

What are the traits that testers need to have?

Think outside the box! Use different ways to play and break the game, bugs won’t always appear by simply playing the game either, you need to get creative and form strategies

Attention to Detail:
Finding things others might not have noticed, big or small, whether it be a bug or general feedback of an area

Follow Instructions:
Every new patch has new content to check, you must be able to follow the orders given by the developers and your lead testers so that the testing goes as well as possible, we do not need people scattered around doing what they please when deadlines are involved

IT Skills:
Ability to use Skype and the Google Documents without issues as these are the easiest for communication and reporting issues

Not all bugs can be triggered straight away or even in the same way, some require a lot of trial and error and can consume a lot of time. We also work closely with players and other staff so patience is the key to sorting any problems or questions they may have

As a tester, you would be given a lot of unreleased content and possibly sensitive data which you are not allowed to share with anyone outside of your team through social media or any other sources, you must respect and follow these rules

Self Motivation:
There are few rewards for being a tester besides the satisfaction of a job well done and a coloured name to tell others that you are a staff tester for the game. You will need to check the documents and testing server regularly, save the links we give you as they are important!

Team Player:
As well as working on your own, you also need to be able to test well in a group with your fellow team members whether they be developers, moderators or testers, sometimes even players - an open mind is always welcome in these situations!

How Can I Apply?

If you’ve gotten this far and meet all the requirements (no exceptions, sorry guys) then you’re ready to get typing! Send your application to bugs@aq3d.com with the title “AQ3D Tester Application” before Monday August 8th, 2016, with the following information:

 1) AQWorlds or AQ3D name (Both, if possible)

 2) Your active email address

 3) Your age and date of birth

 4) The languages you speak

 5) The name of your Master Account

 6) The name of your Forum Account (if you have one)

 7) Facebook or Twitter accounts you use for our games

 8) Possible testing devices (PC, iOS, Android, Oculus Rift. Be specific about models)

 9) A short description of yourself on how you could help us, why you want to help and how much time you can dedicate to us each week.

10) What experiences you have with testing games and of course AQ3D

How Will I Know If I’ve Been Chosen?

As with all of our tester calls, you will receive an email from us if you have been selected to join our team. Please do be patient, we have a lot of applications to go through each time, with tough decisions to be made! We cannot discuss your application with you unless you have been chosen and emailed, so it would be appreciated if you do not ask myself or my co-workers :)

I will be reading and handpicking applications myself with the help of the lovely Oishii; we are very much looking forward to seeing what you’ve all written!

Good luck to you all and Battleon; may you enjoy the rest of your summer!

-Platinum Lady,
Lead Tester of AQ3D

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