Story time! MEGACON 2016

Artix Krieger | Tuesday, May 31, 2016

(OMG! I got a photo with Alodia Gosiengfiao, special guest at MegaCon who was cosplaying as WindRanger from Dota2.)

MegaCon 2016 Review

Thank you to everyone who came to see us at the MegaCon convention! As usual, we have an epic waterfall of fresh, embarrassing stories… and way too much photo and video proof to cover them up :D Here we go!

The AdventureQuest 3D Panel

HOLY SMOKES! You filled the room. O_O Every chair was full and nearly as many people were standing just to watch. With so many excited eyes eagerly watching us, waiting for the premiere of our newest teaser trailer, “The Guardian Oath”, you can almost smell the fear and panic through your screen as we suddenly realized: THERE WAS NO WAY TO CONNECT OUR LAPTOP TO THEIR SYSTEM. ***PANIC***

That is right! My massive multimedia presentation with music, videos, and graphics was trapped on my laptop with no way to play it on their screen or audio system. Then began, as they called it, my “best and most entertaining stalling ever”! This included a shadow puppet show, inviting Synderes’ lead singer Amanda up to the stage to sing for us without warning (her voice is AMAZING). Thankfully a player said “I have a USB stick!” and threw it up onto the stage for us (Epic Player Win) and we used it to transfer files to the conventions computer. It was showtime!

Our room sort of looked like a college classroom. I wanted to introduce myself as Mr. Artix…. “Hello Mr. Artix”... and then spring a pop quiz on them. What kind of questions would be on that quiz?

“Oath of the Guardian Trailer”

We revealed our new game trailer teaser… Massive success except the music and Thyton’s voice were so deep and powerful in the trailer that it kept blowing the breaker on the convention’s audio system. There was a feeling of power in the air. I seized the moment and asked anyone who was willing to rise and join us in reciting the Guardian’s Oath.  EVERYONE stood. With their right fists covering their hearts, the entire room followed Thyton in what was a powerfully beautiful moment. This was immediately followed by a cheer as they found out what their unexpected reward was for bravely taking the oath: early access to AQ3D.

The room had some SERIOUS ENERGY.

Even with the crippling technical problems, the panel was a smashing success. There are a few videos of it and if I can get hands on all of it I will edit highlights reel for you.

After the panel we spent time meeting everyone, signing stuff, taking photos, and then those of us who were there until the very end roamed around MegaCon together like some sort of unstoppable Paladin horde.

Alodia Gosiengfiao

QUEST COMPLETE - Met Alodia got a photo!
Alodia Gosiengfiao was promoted by MegaCon as the #1 Cosplayer in the world. She did not ask to be called that, she is way too humble, but with more facebook followers than some entire population of some countries, and a lifetime of international cosplay accomplishments, she probably is. Check out her YouTube Channel.

QUESTION: Is it just me, or do you think she would cosplay the best Gravelyn ever too?

I have so much respect for people who follow their dreams with such passion that the world gives way to allow them to do it for life. I am inspired by Alodia. Very much in the same way I am inspired by Voltaire, One-Eyed Doll, Danny Choo and those other rare people who are following their dreams and making it on their own terms. This is the kind of person I strive to be.

Blame it on the Guardian Oath

So many great memories came from this convention but the best were when we were helping others. While picking up our exhibitor badges, there was a girl crying in line behind us. I asked her what was wrong and she explained that she had lost her wristband that gave her access to the convention. The lady at the counter was unable to help her and we saw her dart out of the room in tears. But Stryche and I found her, and then we took her to the ticket counter and used our powers for good awesome to get her a new wrist band.

While having dinner with Diozz, Reko (American Ninja Warrior competitor who should be on tonight’s new episode.) and friends, I noticed a girl in pain leaning against a wall. I asked her if she was OK and she explained to me that she thinks she had food poisoning. So I went in and asked the hostess if she could get a cup of lemon water and if she had any antacids-- she was an amazing hostess and saved the day. 

There were a lot of little stories from this convention that all started the same way. If you ever see something wrong, politely ask what is wrong. If you are not able to help the person solve their issue, maybe you can get the right person who can.

Who was that OTHER guy on the panel?

Back to the panel! If you see the photos you might be wondering who that guy near the podium is. WE HAVE NO IDEA! We called up some volunteers to be official Candy Distribution Knights (We had a lot of candy) and one of the people called just sat at the table… and stayed there. O_O Now, there are two ways to handle a situation like this. You can ask them to return to their seat… which would have been pretty lame since in the flurry of technical problems we had not noticed him for 30 minutes. (We sorta thought he was the A/V guy.) Or… you can do what we did and invite MORE people to come sit with us, freeing up seats so more people could sit down :D

Sorta reminds you of the “DERP SONG” that we made back in 2010. When we saw a person upload a 10 hour long version of it and get millions of hits we could have taken it down, but instead we linked it and told everyone to go watch it :D 

The AdventureQuest 3D Hype train goes CHOOO CHOOO!

We are filled with the brim with gratitude. Everyone is so genuinely excited about AdventureQuest 3D. People who have not played our games in a long time are seeing what we are making and saying, “Wait… you actually made this!?” Especially when seeing it run on my phone.

Coming next!

We are currently getting ready for the release of Dungeons in the AdventureQuest 3D early access. On that subject, I would very much like to give everyone who pledged on the Kickstarter an extra pre-beta/Steam key so they can invite a friend to join in. Sound good?

Anime Expo?

Oh!  I am trying to setup a panel for AdventureQuest 3D at AnimeExpo in LA. (Where I really want to finally meet Danny Choo.) A lot of our long time players like Eonaleth live out that way too and it would be amazing to finally meet them! If our panel does get approved, I will invite Nulgath to come do the panel with me. If we do not get an official panel, we will run an unofficial “HALL PANEL” where we will gather up and cause trouble, OK? :D

So I walk up to them...
Artix: "Knock, knock."
Doctor: Who's there?"
Artix: "Doctor..."
Doctor: "Doctor Who?"
*dramatic pause*
Doctor: ....

Thank you!

Hope you enjoyed the stories! Thank you again to everyone who came and made it so special. If we took a photo together on my phone, I will be posting it with the other photos on my Artix Krieger Facebook page. See you all in AdventureQuest 3D!

Battle on!

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Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


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