Lunar New Year 2025

Clarion | Friday, January 31, 2025

Lunar New Year 2025

The Lunar New Year of the Snake is fast approaching and to celebrate we’ve brought back Lunar New Year activities for the Battleon Social District with a new mini collection featuring six serpent-themed weapons, an earnable set of daggers from Saber, a travel form, and more! This update will also bring with it a new questline. Discover the Fruitwood Serpent within the Fruitwood Thicket located on the Yokai Isles and help her and you will earn the Fruitwood Hatchling pet.


Inventory Slot Sale + Inventory Slot Expansion 

For the next 2 weeks (Ending on February 12th), we are going to have a half-off sale for all inventory slot purchases. Along with this, we’ve increased the amount of Inventory Slots that can be purchased increasing the amount maximum amount by 500.


Treasure Chest Sale

Along with inventory slots the Treasure Chests are on sale for 2 weeks (Ending on February 12th). 30% off the Emperor’s Chest and 25% off the Soldier’s Chest.


The Burning Valor Package

This week we are introducing the rotating rarity package as an option to purchase Dragon Crystals. This $99.99 USD package includes 35,000  Dragon Crystals + 17,500 bonus Dragon Crystals (Which is more than you'd obtain buying the $49.99 USD twice) and a rotating roster of premium items that will be swapped out around every 6 months. The premiere item included in this package is The Burning Wings of Valor with a matching title. 


Last Chance Promo: Dragon Sparking Bolt Bows

It’s the last chance for the two January. First, is the Sparking Bolt Bow, to get this shiny bow, just purchase any package in the upgrade shop, now with 50% extra Dragon Crystals on select packages. For those that have one of the Guardian upgrade packages, you will also get the Titanium Celebratory Bow at no additional cost.


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