Knock, Knock...

Artix Krieger | Thursday, August 18, 2016

Artix: "Knock, knock..."
*dramatic pause*
Player: "Who is there?"
*dramatic pause*
Artix: "Doctor!"
*dramatic pause*
Player: "..."

The Doorway to an even better AdventureQuest 3D

I am excited to report a few really cool things happened today. 1st, the door above is one of the interesting things you will find in the upcoming Guardian Tower. Yergen is almost done with the interior re-design and it looks SHAAAAARP. Not just saying that because the entire place is decorated in Guardian Blades. Beyond that door is the large chamber that was built onto the Tower to expand it. What is in there is a carefully guarded secret... unless you follow certain AE Dev twitters >_>... because... secrets are hard mode for us.

Applying 360 Paintings to theĀ  Game World

When we dived into 360 painting yesterday, we did not anticipate the positive impact it would have on our game world itself. Llusion repainted the skyboxes using our new tools creating a much bigger feeling world.

Fighting the Pink!

Three steps forward, one step back. Zhoom has been digging deep into the "pink 3D object" issues that some of you have been experiencing. If you are having these issues, please contact Cysero on Twitter and tell him everything you can... or, better yet, send us your log file at

Mogloween & Fire Volcano / Dragon Area

We have two new areas in development that I would like to talk about in detail next week... hmm, maybe we can talk about Mogloween tomorrow. Sound like a plan? I do have some new sneak peak images.

NPC Idle poses

While re-working the intro I needed more idle poses. So we came up with a way to give the NPCs (non-player-characters a bit more life.) Tomorrow I am going to ask Korin to help me make a bunch of one-off poses for NPCs... maybe players will be able to equip some of them too.

Sitting in Chairs

If you are like me, you have spent some time in Yulgar's wondering when you were going to be able to sit in a chair. Well, good news! We have sitting in chairs coded on the dev server.... now, I have not seen it working yet, but the source was reliable :D

Music & Ambient Sound Changes

Does anyone actually play with the music on? *waits for it* No...

So we are going to do something about the music. Actually, we are going to do something a few clever players recommended. (Listening = success) When you enter an area, we are going to get you into the spirit of the area with a 15-ish second piece of an epic musical score... then elegantly fade into a subtle, ambient sound track.

For example, if you enter Greenguard, you will hear a fantasy music selection for about 15 seconds and then it will gracefully fade into the sound of a lush green forest with wind rustling the grass and some chirping birds. It will be set to be very quiet... so it is truely just atmospheric background noise. Eventually in the future we want to add 3D audio on specific objects like campfires so you hear the fire as you get closer and further from it.

Steam Page for AdventureQuest 3D went live!?

Yes... I think the official AdventureQuest 3D coming soon page did go live on Steam. So, all of your friends will no longer question your santity when you tell them, "no really, it is on there... really." (Prior to this only people with Steam Keys could even see the game.)

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow... so we can we talk about Spooky Stuff!

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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

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