AQ3D Kickstarter starts TOMORROW!

Cysero | Thursday, November 19, 2015

The AQ3D Kickstarter starts TOMORROW!

Tomorrow morning at 10:00am EST (15:00 GMT) we will begin the AQ3D Kicksarter.

It's not an over-exaggeration to say that the results of the Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign will decide the future of AQ3D and have a very significant impact on AE for a very long time. 


If you've been very busy lately and this is news to you, let me explain. Tomorrow, AE will begin a Kickstarter campaign to fund the further development of AQ3D. Basically, people from around the world get the chance to back AQ3D and become a really important part of AQ3D's foundation. There will be several tiers of backer rewards so the more you give, the more you get and some of the rewards that we've cooked up and pretty sweet. 

If you want to know more about Kickstarter and the backer rewards, READ THIS

If you want to know more about why we need funding and why we're teaming with Kickstarter, READ THIS.


The Kickstarter will be running all the way through the end of the year (Ends on  December 31st), and until it closes we will be talking about little else, so you'll hear about it A LOT! We will be trying to rally every single player we've got to help out. 

Not everyone can donate but everyone can do something.

If you can't afford to become a backer of AQ3D or get any of the Founder packages but you still want to help out, then please spread the word. Get on Facebook and Twitter and shout about this from the rooftops! Word might spread to older players who left the AE community a while ago but still have great memories of playing our games with their friends. You might show this to someone who has never heard of us but AQ3D seems like the game that they've always wanted to play and they want to make it happen. 

AQ3D_Shadow_Wolf_Transformation_Kickkstarter_ExclusiveMy favorite backer reward is the ability to turn into a Shadow Wolf and run at increased (mounted) speed.

The more eyeballs we get, the better chance that we will reach our funding goal! 

Even if we don't meet our goal, the game will be coming out but it will mean dark things for AQ3D. Smaller initial release, smaller updates, slower progress, fewer features and a smaller development team (if that's possible). 

We've put a lot of effort into the Kickstarter. Wa wanted to make clear how passionate we are about this, what AQ3D CAN be if it gets the funding it needs, what sets AQ3D apart from other games, and how badly we need this to work. We've also spent a lot of time trying to make the rewards for backers are suitably epic and I think we did pretty well but, in the end, all that matters is what YOU think. 

AQ3D_Xero_SPider_ConceptXero's concept painting for a spider monster based on AQW's spiders

Meanwhile, the AQ3D team hasn't been pausing for breath. We have also been working on the game, Oishii has been getting XP and Gold curves balanced, working on monsters to make each encounter individually challenging but not impossible, and the team has been ramping up production to add more items and content to the alpha. 

Llussion has also nearly finished the first Dragon's Lair map... but he put a big Dricken there to be funny. Enjoy

Come back tomorrow to get the link to the Kickstarter and wish us luck! We will need all hands on deck for this one. 


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