That's so Gold Raven: Exploring the World of an MMO YouTuber

Beleen | Tuesday, June 20, 2023

This insightful interview with Gold Raven shines light on his quest to create a YouTube channel centered around AQ3D. 

In the vast realm of YouTube creators, there exists a vibrant community of individuals eager to showcase their passion for their favorite video games. Today, we are delving into the world of Gold Raven, an AQ3D YouTuber who just hit the hugely impressive milestone of 10,000,000 views! Wow! Through this exclusive interview, you and me and everyone else reading this will gain fascinating insights into his journey, challenges, and triumphs within our favorite MMO. Go grab a gallon of your favorite beverage, and let’s begin the adventure! 

Beleen: Hi Gold Raven! Can you tell us about your background and how you started playing AQ3D?

Gold Raven: Hi! First off, thanks for having me here! Well, it all started when I saw a blinding light, then a doctor was smacking me and I…oh, too far back. My AE life started with AdventureQuest when I was just a youngin. Then I started playing AQW when it was in early Alpha tests and years later, when I heard there was going to be a 3D cross platform MMO, I was all on board! I started playing in the early AQ3D Alpha tests when there was nothing more than Yulgar’s Inn and a couple emotes, haha. At that time, Combat hadn’t even been added yet.

Beleen: Sounds like you’re a true OG with true AE humor! What inspired you to start a YouTube channel focused on AQ3D?

Gold Raven: The community and my love for the game. There was a lack of YouTubers making content (only 1 other at the time) and although the game was in closed beta testing, I felt I could help showcase the game and help the current testers. Shortly after I started making content on it, another YouTuber appeared; a friend of mine known as Assassin. He was awesome! Over the years, many others followed. It’s great to see other content creators helping the AE community.

Beleen: Speaking of community, how do you stay up-to-date with the latest updates and developments in the game?

Gold Raven: Mostly from design notes, from friends, and from my Discord server. A lot of helpful players post information on there and other social media like Twitter, etc.

Beleen: With so much input from the AE community, how do you decide on the topics or content for your videos? Do you have a specific strategy or approach?

Gold Raven: It varies. I try to provide helpful guides for anything players might want, like new pets/items or recent updates or if AQ3D doesn’t get a content update one week, I try to make content that will provide players with things to farm or work towards while waiting for more content. I also do community focused live streams as well. 

Beleen: That all sounds lovely! Now… what about the less-than-lovely things? Like, what challenges have you faced as a YouTuber covering AQ3D, and how did you overcome them?

Gold Raven: The biggest issue I think is burn out. When you make content on the same thing for so long, you eventually get burnt out. It’s important to pace yourself so you don’t reach that point. This is something I had to learn the hard way, haha. It’s healthy to take breaks from things, even things you love.

Beleen: …even coffee? 😹 Hehe, just kidding (…I’d never do that to coffee). Speaking of things we love, how do you engage and interact with your audience? I know you’re quite active on Twitter, too! What methods do you use to foster a sense of community on your channel?

Gold Raven: Yup, I am pretty active on Twitter, haha. I communicate with them in 5 ways, through my:

  1. Live Streams
  2. Twitter
  3. Discord
  4. in the game
  5. and the Comment section on my videos. 

I think communication is very important in building a relationship with your fanbase. Viewers will enjoy the content more if they can relate to the content creator.

Beleen: Absolutely. Care to share any memorable experiences that happened because of your YouTube channel and involvement with our community?

Gold Raven: Oh, there have been a lot of moments. This interview is a good example. It’s awe inspiring that a country boy who decided to make YouTube videos on his favorite game gets interviewed by Beleen! Way back when I first started playing AE games, I never even considered some NPCs were based on real people. I knew Beleen was a Pink NPC, but hadn’t considered anything beyond that. When I discovered that some NPCs were staff-inspired recreations, I was blown away! Due to my content creation, I’ve had the honor of having great conversations with some of them and it’s been wonderful. Now this is off topic but did you know, your name is very difficult to rhyme things with… All I can think of is Spleen, lol.

Beleen: Well, what about Queen and Caffeine? Caffeine Queen Beleen, which is quite honestly the truth 🤣 Happy & hyper stuff aside, how do you handle negative comments or criticism on your videos? Do you have any strategies for dealing with trolls? Asking for a friend… 👀

Gold Raven: Actually, here’s something I learned early on. Trolls actually spend more time and energy thinking about you then your fans do. I don’t focus on negativity but I always take into consideration any feedback I receive, regardless of whether it’s negative or not. If it’s just spite or malice, I chalk it up to lack of understanding or perhaps the person is just having a bad day. If it’s too vulgar or rude to deserve a response, I ignore it but luckily this rarely happens.

Beleen: That’s awesome advice everyone can use; thanks so much for sharing. On that note, care to share some of the most common questions or requests you receive from your viewers?

Gold Raven: One of the most common questions is “How do I level up fast?” or “How do I rank my class up fast?” or “What weapons are the best?” Luckily, I have videos on all those so I usually direct ‘em to those videos. As for requests, most requests are “Game-related.” Suggestions like “Can you remove or fix scaling?” and “Can you increase inventory?” Obviously, these questions come from viewers who are unaware I am not a Developer or perhaps they wish me to pass it on. When I do receive game feedback, I always do pass it on to the devs.

Beleen: And the devs appreciate it, too—although altering / creating content has to be balanced in accordingly. For you, how has creating content on YouTube affected your own gameplay experience? Do you find it enhances or changes the way you play AQ3D?

Gold Raven: It vastly changed my own gameplay experience, not always for the better but the tradeoff is worth it. One example is, when a new update hits, it might be nice to check it out with my friends on a personal level, but instead, I make a video on it which limits my interactions with my friends during the filming, as I want to keep the video flowing quick and consistent. My friends understand so there is no issue there and I love being able to showcase new content so it’s a win win.

I also get to meet so many wonderful people from all over the world. Believe it or not, I’m rather shy. You know the type of person who would be at a party pretending to be impressed with a plant in the corner of a room, because it’s easier than talking to a pretty girl. Being a YouTuber has helped me by forcing me to come outta my shell and how did I get on this topic? What was the question? The answer is 7. 

Beleen: I thought the answer was 42? But 7 times 6 = 42, so perhaps both answers are correct. Now that my mind is blown, how do you handle the pressure of consistently producing high-quality content and maintaining a regular upload schedule without 🤯💥?

Gold Raven: Passion! Well, that’s part of it. I view my position as a YouTuber as a service to the AE community and AE games, to help promote the games but at the same time, to help the players by providing helpful guides, etc. I’m very passionate about AE games and love the AE community and it’s this passion that drives me to upload content frequently. I’ve got 2 types of players that say either “Thanks to your vids, I found this game.” or “Thanks to your vids, I got to level 40 fast.” To both, my response is “YAY!”

Also, I grew up always wanting to be a movie director. This is the next best thing and I think that also motivates me ‘cause making videos was always something I wanted to do. (My cat, MK, is rubbing against my leg. Lemme go feed her really quick. *gone for a moment* Ok, I’m back!)

Beleen: So, what advice would you give to somebody (or some cat) who wants to start a YouTube channel focused on AQ3D or any other game?

Gold Raven: I’ll keep it simple.

  1. Make content based on what you know.
  2. Upload consistently. Doesn’t have to be daily but several times a week.
  3. Be yourself. You don’t need to act like a professional or celebrity.
  4. Have a unique identity. By this, I mean don’t start a channel called Pewdiepie123. Come up with something that's marketable, memorable, and original. You know, when your name is unique enough when you eventually Google your name and the first few links are all about you.
  5. Be Humble. Being a content creator doesn’t make you better than someone else. I live by the following golden rule and recommend it to anyone, regardless of what occupation you wish to pursue:
    “Treat others the way you want them to treat you.”
  6. Last but not least, Content creators making content on the same games as you are not competition, they are allies. I’ve had the honor of interacting with other wonderful AE content creators (Korey, MrGoon, Loki monster, Helimod, Lag, Falkor, Lanky, Camarguets to name just a few) and they are all great. I like to support other content creators because we all want to support the community and help the games grow and this could have a bigger impact together.

Beleen: That is ALL so inspiring, insightful, and inspirational! No wonder why your videos have been viewed 10,000,000 times! Ten million views is HUGE. Congratulations again! Were there, or are there, any specific goals or milestones you set for yourself and your YouTube channel? 

Gold Raven: Thank you! Well, I don’t have any set milestones exactly, but I am always excited when I reach a milestone. When I first started my channel, I set 1 very small goal: If a video I made helps out 1 player, I reached my goal. That is still my primary goal. Hitting 10 million views really surprised me! I guess my next big milestone will probably be World Domination, forging a new hierarchy where Humans will not be allowed to fly and Birds get dibs on the freshest batch of donuts and front row seats at Movie theaters. What’s that? Oh, not going to happen? Fine, I’d settle for 40k subs as my next big milestone then.

Beleen: *note to self: donuts are birds’ weaknesses in the event of the aPECKalypse.* Fowl puns aside, how do you balance your time between creating content for your YouTube channel and actually playing AQ3D? Like, when do you sleep?

Gold Raven: What’s sleep? Ohh, is that what you humans do when you close your eyes and snore? Birds don’t close their eyes. It might look like we close our eyes but only because we put the lids over them. Keeps our eyeballs from getting dusty.

Seriously though, I spend more time making content than I do playing the game now since most videos can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours editing, but I do try to play the game on my downtime. I play more casually than I used to.

Beleen: Moist eyeballs are a very good thing. And video editing is a very time-consuming thing. We applaud your passion, playtime, and prowess! And finally, what are your future plans or aspirations for your YouTube channel? Do you have any new ideas or projects in the works?

Gold Raven: Well, years ago I started hearing a rumor of the AQW Mobile project. I began reformatting my channel to adjust it so I could make AQW Mobile content in the future. My original channel’s name was “GoldRaven AQ3D” (which started a trend actually). I reformatted it to just “Gold Raven” and started slowly uploading AQW content occasionally.

When AQW Infinity releases, I plan on making regular content on that game as well. Rest assured, I will continue to create regular AQ3D videos also. It might sound like I am going to bite off more than I can chew but I’m used to chewing. There’s only 2 things I know how to do: make AE Content and Chew Bubble Gum, and I’m all outta Bubble Gum. *Stares at Beleen chewing Pink Bubble Gum* I SAID, I’m all outta Bubble Gum, hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink. Don’t make me come over there!*Beleen gives piece of Bubble Gum* Yay! 

Mmhh5yaa Mhhohmb7mee* 

*Translated from Bubble Gum Talk: “Great chatting with ya. Thanks for having me!”

Beleen: And thanks so much for doing this interview with us, Gold Raven! Your story, milestones, and motivations are all so exciting and inspirational. The enthusiasm in your voice – and the bubblegum on your breath – leaves us all eagerly anticipating what's to come next!

Wow, wow, and wow! Our adventure into the quest of an MMO YouTuber has been quite a captivating one. With this interview, we have gained a detailed understanding of the dedication, passion, and challenges that come with creating content for millions to enjoy. Gold Raven’s story serves as a beacon (BEAKon? lol, more bird puns) of inspiration for those looking to explore their own passions and carve a unique space in the online gaming community that we are all a part of! 

Thank you so much for joining us today on this journey, and together we shall…

Battle ON!
Beleen, Gold Raven, and the AQ3D Team

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