Going to GDC!

Artix Krieger | Tuesday, March 8, 2016

AdventureQuest 3D at GDC

Next week, I will be heading out to GDC (Game Developers Conference) in San Francisco. During the week long convention for game developers, I will be meeting with developers and the press to talk about what we are doing in AdventureQuest 3D. If any of you are going to be there, please let me know-- maybe we can setup time to meet up!

AdventureQuest 3D USB sticks

This game project is getting a lot of love, and game reviewers have requested more info. So we made a bunch of these USB Sticks filled with AdventureQuest 3D videos, screenshots, and game info stuff. I posted this picture on Twitter and was surprised at how many players said they wanted one. If I have any left after the conference, I will give them to Stryche to put up for sale on www.HeroMart.com . Maybe we can put some of our music on them? For the conference we are loading them up with a "press kit"-- which really is just a bunch of screenshots and the trailer for game reviewers to use. I was told this is something all the major game studios do. As you probably know, I get really excited and love doing little fun little projects like putting these together on the weekends. I will probably sneak some weird Easter egg on there for the few that are really paying attention :D


So... I really have no idea what to wear to GDC. Maybe you can help me? My metal armor is tricky to transport on planes-- for some reason it always sets the metal detector off.

Artix on the Plane
Art by The Dream Maker

The foam-core version of my Paladin armor is much more portable, but it has taken some serious wear and tear since it plunged into the (VERY COLD!!!!) water during American Ninja Warrior :D At these conferences most people wear business casual or suits...

What should Artix wear?

Photo from then we got the PASCO EDC technology award and I made an entire row of very important CEO's very uncomfortable. They did say, "Wear a suit," and technically a "Suit of Armor" should count. If you have not seen this before, yes, it really happened. >_>

I leave on Sunday, so there is not enough time to build new armor, but I do have my Paladin armor T-shirts! Considering how much I wear them, they are in insanely good condition. Faith suggested wearing the shirt with a few pieces of real armor. We tried it, but it did not look right. I really do not want to wear *gasps* regular clothes. Also, I was told the press likes interviewing "interesting and unusual people." I do not think special clothes are required for me to be unusual though O_o.

QUESTION: Any creative thoughts on what I should wear? (It is funny how this post had 2 paragraphs about GDC and then 4 about getting you to help dress me for it.)





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