Free Dage Weapon

Cysero | Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Share The Love, Get A Prize

We are all over the place right now! The Kickstarter campaign for AdventureQuest 3D is in full swing ($90,000 and still going up!) and we have submitted AQ3D to Steam Greenlight for approval. 

We're doing great, but a project like this always needs to seen by more people. So, we had a thought... why not give you guys something just for helping us spread the word?

Share to evolve!

This is your AQ3D Kickstater Backer Quest: Share our AQ3D Kickstarter announcement post on Facebook and retweet Artix's AQ3D Kickstarter announcement tweet! If the community completes the quest, everyone in AQW, DF and AQ Classic will get a FREE SWORD designed by Dage. The higher the score, the bigger and crazier the weapon gets! See how many we can get before the Kickstarter ends on the first day of the new year! 

SHARE THIS: Facebook AQ3D Kickstarter Post. 

RE-TWEET THIS: Artix's AQ3D Kickstarter Tweet.

That's all there is too it. The Blade unlocks at 1000 TOTAL shares and re-tweets. (example: 500 shares + 500 re-tweets = 1000 total), and it evolves the more we share these two posts! This is great because you get something for doing almost nothing AND you're helping us spread the word about the AQ3D Kickstarter! 

Thanks for your help! 




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