AQ3D KickStarter Starts Friday!

Cysero | Monday, November 16, 2015


AQ3D needs your help. The Kickstarter campaign starts THIS FRIDAY, November 20th, at 10:00am EST (that's 15:00 GMT) and will run until the end of the year, closing on Dec 31st. 


AQ3D has come so far since its first days and a lot of you already love it. You see what we do. You see what AQ3D COULD be once it's released for everyone to play. 

AQ3D on multiple devices.

We took this picture an hour ago. You see an iPhone 5, iPhone 6S, Android Galaxy S5, iPad 2 and a PC and we are ALL playing together in the same server. 

We could release it right now. It's playable on iOS, Android and PC (on the current web testing environment). But it's not ready. There isn't enough in the game for people to be interested in it and we only get one shot to do this right. We don't want to do a big thing badly. So far, AQ3D has been funded by AQW and our other games, but now AQW needs every cent of its funding to complete the engine re-write and keep providing you with weekly releases. 

We had a tight budget to begin with and we hoped that we would have AQ3D in a releasable form by now, but after seeing what the game is capable of we KNOW we can need to push it further, make it faster, add more content and make it more fun... but we need your help to do that. 

We are turning to you via our Kickstarter campaign. We are calling on every Guardian, every Dragonlord, every Star Captain, every AQW Legend, every Epic Duelist... every single hero from our vast universe of games... and we are asking you to become backers and support the development of the game so we can get it release ready and do this amazing game the justice that it deserves. 

AQ3D woowoo

If you need to know how a Kickstarter works, check out THIS POST. 

You will also see a short list of only a FEW of the awesome backer rewards that we have planned for those who are able to help support AQ3D's development. 

We're going to be talking about this a LOT until the end of the year and you'll probably get sick of seeing it, but this might be the most important thing that we've ever done and we can't do it without you. 

Friday will be here before you know it. Here we go...

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