Mischievous Moglins Contest Winners Announced

Beleen | Thursday, January 23, 2025

Meet our Moglin Mischief Makers

WOW! Just wow! Heroes, you’ve totally outdone yourselves! The Mischievous Moglins Contest has been a joy to judge from start to finish. Every entry reminded us how much passion, humor, and talent our community brings to the table. We laughed, we gasped, we got warm fuzzy feels, and we even questioned biology and anatomy at one point…

But now we’re here to celebrate YOU and all the amazing heroes who made this contest unforgettable! So without further ado, let’s give a mighty round of applause for our Moglin Contest winners!  

🥇 1st Place Winner…s

What’s the best way to do a tiebreaker? Well… why not award BOTH with the grand prize winnings?! And that’s exactly what we did. Fellow heroes, meet our two 1st place winners: Tetradraws and Deadly_merge!







Omg omg omg omg omg OMG! So much creativity and cuteness bundled up in their entries! It isn’t fair how adorable these are!! And it isn’t possible for me to use any more exclamation marks!!! Suffice to say, Deadly_merge and Tetradraws wowed the judges and we are thrilled to present them with 4,000 Artix Points each! Congratulations you two!!


🥈 2nd Place Winners

Four amazing heroes are taking home 2,000 Artix Points each for ranking 2nd Place!

(fun fact: this was their first entry ever into any Artix contest! We cannot wait to see what RobinMask creates next!)



Red Sugar

What the hecc is happening in Red Sugar’s entry, you ask? Well, if you ever played the classic Zelda games, you’ll instantly recognize this as a nod to Majora’s Mask… but with Moglins, ofc. Memet makes for a perfect moon Moglin (a Moonglin?) that threatens to crash into the world… erm, AQWorld. This would make for a fun parallel universe plot twist, huh? Where all the people are replaced with Moglins in a massive multiplayer game! MMOglin 🤣


🥉 3rd Place Winners

Six stellar entries had us laughing, gasping, and wondering how Moglins could be so cute and chaotic all at the same time! Every winner here receives 1,000 Artix Points for their unique takes on their favorite Moglins.







🏆 3rd and a ½ Place Winner

Listen. I’m not good at math. So IDK if 3 and a ½ ranks “higher” than 2 and a ½ when it comes to contest ranking allocation. Regardless! We are awarding Almayudha with 1,500 Artix Points for their adorable entry that shared a story alongside screenshots!

The Moglins' Life in Their Snowy Cabin

In a mountain perpetually blanketed with snow, a small group of moglins lived together in a single cozy cabin. The cabin sat nestled on the slopes, its windows glowing softly at night, illuminated by the warm light inside. Every morning, the moglins woke up with excitement, throwing open the windows to greet the shy sun rising behind the mountain peaks.

They lived a simple yet joyful life. In the mornings, they worked together to gather firewood, while some prepared meals in their shared kitchen. The aroma of warm soup and freshly baked bread always filled the cabin, making it feel even cozier. In the evenings, they would gather around the fireplace to share stories, sing songs, and enjoy each other's company. Their bond was unshakable, and no moglin ever felt alone, because they were always there for one another.

Despite the harsh winter outside, their little cabin remained a sanctuary of warmth and happiness. They found joy in their togetherness, proving that even in the coldest of places, a strong sense of community could make life wonderfully warm.

And on a quiet night, if you passed by the snowy mountain, you might hear their laughter echoing faintly through the trees, a reminder that true happiness is found in the simple moments shared with loved ones. ❤️✨️


🎖️Runner Ups

Every one of these entries brought a smile to our faces, so we are awarding each with 500 Artix Points! Thank you all for making this contest so magical <3
















Mekuz Mekuz


- Flavius -








🙀 The “Pure Moglin Madness” Award

This. Is. Insane! DragonUltraMaster, one of our team members, submitted their house that truly captures the craziness of Moglins and their love—erm, obsession—for these cute lil creatures. We love seeing how passionate our teammates are, so we absolutely had to share DUM’s house with you all! No Artix Points awarded to DUM… because their submission is truly priceless 😹   

The “What Has Been Seen Cannot Be Unseen” Award

True story time! Fellow AQW player Sir Reumar shared a little-known fact about Moglins:

They’re HAIRLESS!!! 🤯

This has been confirmed by Dove, as seen in Sir Reumar’s submission. But taking this mind-blowing biology fact further, J6 also shared some unsettling stuff about Moglins that you probably did not know (and perhaps did not WANT to know) either about eggs, teeth, and...something else maybe:

Oh my. Have we ruined the cute ‘n cuddly Moglin motif for you yet? Most likely. For shattering our beliefs about Moglin biology and anatomy, we are awarding Sir Reumar with 1234 Artix Points. Great job! I think.


🎖️The “Moglin Mega Manga” Award

If you were wondering why there was such a slow page load speed… meet the biggest culprit: Barrysoul and his massive Moglin Manga! Barrysoul made an ENTIRE webtoon comic titled “A Christmas For Twig” which I sadly had to compress here to fit all in one image. But no need to spam that zoom-in button – you can see each full-sized comic panel on Barrysoul’s Twitter so you can experience all the Moglin magic (and Moglin muffins?!?!) in full screen. For such spectacular work, we are awarding Barrysoul with 2025 Artix Points which we feel is very befitting for the new year. Keep up those wonderful webcomics, Barrysoul!

Thank You for Making Moglins Magical

To everyone who submitted an entry: THANK YOU. Each and every one of you showed just how phenomenal the Artix community is. You’re the reason contests like this are so much fun — and why we can’t wait to do more in the future.

And for those still scratching their heads about Moglin anatomy: maybe some Moglin mysteries are better left unsolved 😅

Whether you won a prize or not (and whether or not Moglins have fur, retractable tidbits, or cloacas…), let it be known that we absolutely adore you, heroes! Thank you so much for being part of our wild adventure. Until next time, keep shining, keep sharing, keep creating, and, most importantly, keep battling on!

~ Beleen, the judges, Moglins everywhere, and the Artix Entertainment team

PS. Winners! Please allow a few days for Artix Points to appear in your account <3 Although we are already assigning prizes right now as you read this! 

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